Jingning Zhang

I am a PhD candidate in Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University, advised by Professor Nilanjan Chatterjee. I received an BS in Pure & Applied Mathematics from Tsinghua University in 2018, advised by Associate Professor Lin Hou (侯琳) and Professor Ying Yang (杨瑛).

My research focuses on developing novel statistical methods for large-scale genetic, genomic, and clinical studies. Specifically, my areas of interest include statistical genetics, genetic risk prediction, and human plasma proteome.


Mar 25, 2023: Our manuscript for multi-ancestry polygenic risk prediction wins the Student Paper Award on the Risk Analysis Section, Joint Statistical Meetings. The software PROSPER is available on GitHub.
May 2, 2022: Our paper on plasma proteome analyses is published in Nature Genetics. The pQTL summary statistics and models for conducting proteome-wide association studies have been made publicly available.